El-Shaddai, Has the Power to Change Any Heart

El-Shaddai, Has the Power to Change Any Heart

As El-Shaddai, God has the power to change any heart.

The king’s heart is like streams of water.  Both are under the Lord’s control.  He turns them in any direction he chooses. ” (Proverbs 21:1, GW)

Throughout our life, we often encounter hearts burdened with sin, stubbornness, and rebellion. Yet, we serve a mighty God who is El-Shaddai and He holds the power to transform any heart. There is no heart too hard that El-Shaddai cannot soften. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we find remarkable examples of God’s ability to change even the most hardened hearts.

In the book of Daniel, we witness the transformation of King Nebuchadnezzar, a powerful and prideful ruler of Babylon. Despite his worldly power, Nebuchadnezzar’s heart was filled with arrogance. In his pride, he declared himself a god and disregarded the sovereignty of the true God. However, God humbled Nebuchadnezzar through a series of events, including a period of insanity that lasted seven years. At the end of this time, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged the supremacy of the Lord, proclaiming, “Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven because everything he does is right and all his ways are just” (Daniel 4:37). Through God’s mighty power, the heart of this proud king was transformed, leading him to recognize the authority of the one true God.

In the book of Jonah, we encounter a wicked and idolatrous king ruling over the city of Nineveh. The city’s wickedness reached such levels that God sent the prophet Jonah to declare its impending destruction. Astonishingly, the king of Nineveh, upon hearing Jonah’s message, responded with repentance and humility. He proclaimed a fast throughout the city, commanding the people to turn from their evil ways, hoping that God might show them mercy. The king’s actions demonstrated a transformed heart that acknowledged the need for forgiveness and restoration. In response to their repentance, God showed compassion and spared the city from destruction.

In the New Testament, we encounter two individuals whose hearts were dramatically transformed by encounters with Jesus. Zacchaeus, a despised tax collector, was known for his greed and dishonest practices. However, when Jesus visited Jericho, Zacchaeus was compelled to seek Him. Through their encounter, Zacchaeus experienced a change of heart. He repented and pledged to make amends for his wrongdoing by giving half of his possessions to the poor and repaying those he had cheated four times over (Luke 19:1-10).

Similarly, Saul, later known as the apostle Paul, was a zealous persecutor of early Christians. On his way to Damascus to arrest believers, Saul encountered a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus. This encounter led to a profound transformation of Saul’s heart, and he became a fervent follower of Christ, devoting his life to spreading the Gospel throughout the world (Acts 9:1-19).

The accounts of King Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Nineveh, Zacchaeus, and Saul remind us that God has the power to change any heart. No heart is too hard, no life too lost for the redemptive work of our loving God. As we encounter individuals burdened by sin or far from God, let us have hope and faith, knowing that our God is in the business of transformation. May we pray earnestly for God to work in the hearts of those around us, trusting in His power to bring about radical change and lead them into a renewed relationship with Him.

Is there someone in your life who you need God to soften their heart? Maybe a spouse, a son, or daughter, a relative, or a close friend. If so, then let me encourage you to call upon the mighty name of El Shaddai. God has the power to change any heart and there is no heart too hard that He cannot penetrate. I don’t know about you, but I am calling upon El-Shaddai to do what seems impossible.

In Christ,




Let this be your prayer:

Heavenly Father, El-Shaddai, the Almighty God,

I humble myself before Your presence, acknowledging Your infinite power and authority. You are the God who has the ability to change even the hardest of hearts. Just as You revealed Yourself to Abraham as El-Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One, we recognize that in You, all power and strength reside.

Lord, I lift up to You the hearts that seem unyielding and resistant. I bring before You those who have turned away from You, those burdened by sin, and those who have yet to experience the life-transforming power of Your love. You know each one by name, and You see their struggles and pain.

I acknowledge that only You can penetrate the walls of hardened hearts and bring about true transformation. You alone can soften the most resistant souls and draw them near to You.

I call upon the name of El-Shaddai, that You would reveal Your power in the lives of those I lift up to You. Speak to their hearts in ways that they can understand and receive. Break through the barriers of doubt, pride, and rebellion. Open their eyes to the truth of Your Word and the beauty of Your grace.

Lord, I know You are in complete control, and I know that You work all things for the good of those who love You. I surrender these hearts into Your capable hands, knowing that Your love knows no bounds and that Your desire is for all to draw near to you. Help me to be a faithful in praying for them and standing in the gap, continually lifting them before Your throne, and entrusting them to Your care.

May Your Holy Spirit move mightily, convicting, and drawing them closer to You. Reveal Your love, mercy, and forgiveness in ways that surpass human understanding. Break the chains of darkness and deception, smash the walls of resistance, heal wounds, and replace hearts of stone with hearts of flesh that beat for You.

I declare that You are the God of miracles and transformation. I believe that You have the power to change even the hardest hearts. Strengthen my faith, Lord, and help me to persevere in prayer, knowing that You are at work behind the scenes even when I can’t see it or even if I don’t feel it – You are always at work.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Questions for Ponder:

  1. Reflecting on the examples I shared, what do these stories teach us about God’s power to change hearts? How do they inspire hope and faith in His transformative abilities?
  2. Have you personally witnessed or experienced the power of God changing a heart? If so, could you share that story and how it impacted your faith?
  3. Why do you think it is important to acknowledge and believe in God’s power as El-Shaddai to change hearts, especially when dealing with individuals who seem resistant or hardened?
  4. Sometimes we may feel discouraged or lose hope when we see no immediate change in the hearts of those we are praying for. How can we maintain faith and trust in God’s timing and His ability to bring about transformation?
  5. When faced with individuals who seem resistant to change or who have deeply ingrained patterns of sin, how can we balance the tension between God’s power to change hearts and respecting the free will of each individual?
  6. How does understanding God’s power to change hearts impact our own growth and transformation? How can we surrender ourselves more fully to His work in our own lives?
  7. How does the belief in God’s power to change hearts impact our worship, praise, and gratitude towards Him? How does it deepen our understanding of His character and love for us?


  1. Alyce Hand

    Was unable to attend church. Your sermon being printed means a whole lot to me not to miss anything.


  2. Sallie

    I was in the preschool last Sunday and your notes are much appreciated. Thank you

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