Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in using your skills and talents here at Barwick Road Church. We are so thankful to see you taking that initial step to be used by God to further His Kingdom. The Scriptures tell us that we are to use our talents (Matthew 25:14-15) and that faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). It is through our works that our faith is justified (James 2:24).
Below are are few opportunities that we have for service. If you have an interest in serving in any of these areas, please contact our church office or you can fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.
Additional Resources
:: Volunteer Interest Form
Greeter / First Impression Team
Our goal at Barwick Road Church is to make all guest and our regular attendees feel loved and welcomed. We have our initial greeters at the front door, platform greeters in our foyer and then our door greeters at the entrance to our sanctuary. Our goal is to greet everyone at least 3 times before they enter our church service. This takes an army and we are always looking for cheerful people with good people skills.
Teacher / Small Group Leader
We have a growing Small Group ministry at Barwick Road Church and we are always looking for mature Christians with an aptitude for teaching to help others grow in their faith. The scriptures tell us that people perish because of their lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and maybe you can help teach them.